Project 1: Michael Gregory's Mr America Drives His Car
Mr America Drives His Car by Michael Gregory was published by Post-Soviet Depression Press in March 2013. The first perfect bound run is now available in the PSD Press store. A limited edition, handcrafted edition will be completed by June 2013.
Michael Gregory’s poetry has appeared widely in periodicals and anthologies and he is the author of several books, including The Valley Floor and Hunger Weather 1959-1975, both of which were hand-set and printed by the author on his treadle-powered Chandler & Price letterpress.
He helped organize the Bisbee Press Collective, was co-founder of the Bisbee Poetry Festival, and was founding director of Central School Project, a non-profit community arts center. For the past several years, he has been engaged in writing a long poem-sequence based on the life and work of Ezra Pound, forthcoming from Post-Soviet Depression Press.
He holds an interdepartmental BA in History, English and Philosophy from the University of Toledo, an MA in English from Penn State, and has done post-graduate work at the University of California, Irvine and the UCLA Center for the Study of Comparative Folklore and Mythology. Since 1971, he has lived off-grid in the Sulphur Springs Valley ten miles from the US– Mexico border.
An internationally-recognized toxics activist, he has authored numerous influential articles, papers and monographs on environmental politics, has been instrumental in the crafting of state and federal legislation, and was an active participant in the development of landmark right-to-know programs for local and international agencies.
He has served on boards and steering committees of several non-profit grassroots environmental organizations, including the Conservation Governing Committee of the Sierra Club, and until retirement in 2010, was director of Arizona Toxics Information, a grassroots policy and research organization he started in 1990.